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Friday, December 4, 2009

9 kids, 4 daddys, whos the father? an exploration of Maury as a feminist tool.

Track 1 : Still

So Miranda and i were watching the maury show, which i do without fail every morning. All my life i have been perplexed about how people could not see television as "teach, mother, secret lover" - like homer says on simpsons? And there's your evidence that i'm obsessed with tv. Anyways it has always seemed limited, yet understandable, that shows like Maury are not considered feminist tool. And i do mean TOOL! I am in no way saying " ya totally lets all watch Maury mindlessly, eat bon bons, tell bedtime stories and forget about it." No i simply mean that Maurys daytime talk show really plays into my expansive feminist conscience. I try to learn and grow everyday, but i do not want to play around with that i learn.

Track 2 : Sister of Mercy

See the thing is , as a feminist, ( and i still call myself that because i am. trying to determine who is and isn't wastes time and looses lives) i do not believe in ignoring a subset of woman. Every woman in this worlds deserves to feel safe and protected.  There should be no limit on that. Every woman deserves to be spoken up for, no matter what you personally feel for/about them. I am critical of my community and myself but that does not negate my love for them. I am afraid however that something is being misused. Our abilities as feminists to feel the compassion, live the experience, not live the experience because it has been harmful to you or thoes around you,  should NOT be lost on a show like Maury. Truthfully, Maury obvi has both men and women on his shows. Typically the topics deal with cheating, paternity tests, porn addictions, sex with a partners family member, lie detector tests, and more topics that im sure are evading me at this moment. The point is the show does primarily focuses on women and women's plight. You do have men on the show, however, who're more concerned with weather or not the child is theirs because they need to make sure their legacy is secure. Which often lessons my sympathy for them, but that';s another post.

I think this show should be shown in ws classes, seminars, conference, grassroots meeting, institutionalized meetings and so on.  It is a TOOL of knowledge. How so? my audeience may be asking. Well the show is all about female confrontation (sure its skeptical that this 'confrontation' was brought about by a male host- but ill get to that later) within the scope reproduction. I watch as women come out on stage screaming and ,usually, crying throught the story of how they became pregnant and then had their babie denied by the potential father ( i only say potential because sometimes it turns out it was not that man who fathered the child, but i will delve deeper)