Opens with overhead shot of a room, out of focus on the edges but in focus in the middle. Suddenly a leg stretches through the flame and goes back down. Music plays as we cut to shot of girl waking in bed. She stretches a little more, then looks to her right. Looks back at the ceiling. Sits up and out of camera frame. Credits start here. Floor shot and girls feet come into frame. She walks into the hall and trips over a toy car. Bends down to pick it up, then goes down the hall to her left and places it in front of a door. Continues the other way and into the kitchen. Cut to shot of cabinet door slamming and then we see two girls in the kitchen.
Georgia- Why am I up? [sitting in counter]
Barry- Well maybe cause you have school
Georgia- graduation.
Barry- yea.
Georgia- it’s final..it’s…it’s a pretty final thing
Barry- Final?
Georgia- Over. Ending. Ended. I’m ready to leave here. Onto bigger and better things
Barry- like what?
Georgia- [hoping off counter and opening the fridgerator] we don’t have juice.
Barry- oh, phoenix drank it all
Georgia – barrina, he always drinks the last of things.
Barry- [stops what shes doing] Gia..
Georgia- I know I know. Barrina is your full name. I’m just fucking with you
Barry- [starts cleaning again] it’s too early in the morning for fucking.
Georgia- [sarcastically] god. If one more person says that to me this week…
Barry- where’s Raleigh?
Georgia- In bed
Barry- [growing impatient] get her. Up. Please.
Gerogia- alright. [going down the hall and knocking on a door]
Hey Raleigh, Cali, get up.
The twins slowly get out of bed and move towards the door way. They’re sluggish and barely awake.
Georgia- don’t be too excited
Cali- [looking down at Georgia’s feet] are those my socks? [walking away]
Georgia- [ looking down, somewhat surprised] oh yeah, nice
All the girls walk down the hall and enter the kitchen where Barry is making food.
Cali- how are you such an ass hole?
Georgia- [walking towards her sister] it takes lots of practice
Barry- unbelievable
Georgia- Believe it.
Raleigh- is phoenix up yet?
Georgia- I’m not going in there.
Barry- C’mon Georgia I need you to help me out here
Georgia- No way Barry. Last time I walked in there unannounced I saw Julia Feather completely naked with…
Phoenix- [entering the room and interrupting Georgia, as he moves towards the refridgerator Georgia moves out of the kitchen and begins walking down the hall]
Barry – [ putting on a frustrated smile] Thank you.
Phoenix- [opening the fridgerator] we don’t have any juice…
Georgia- [waking back to her room] hey, start getting ready, okay?
Georgia enters her room, with her back to the door and begins to look at clothes she might wear that day. Barry enters in the doorway with a piece of paper in her hands.
Barry- [holding up the letter] got another letter…
Georgia- you open it? [Still looking through clothes]
Barry- it’s your letter.
Georgia- I don’t want it.
Barry- we all miss dad Georgia, but how long are you going to keep this up?
Georgia- [throwing a shirt over her head] I have graduation barry [she pauses] I’m graduating today.
Barry- what does that have to do with this?
Georgia- Short version…I’ll keep it up as long as I have to…
Georgia brushes past Barry and into the hallway. Barry stands for a moment and then places the letter on her bed.
Scene 2
Scene opens with Georgia looking in the bathroom mirror.
Donnie-[opening the girls room door and yelling inside] Georgia c’mon, we’re about to walk…
Georgia takes a long look in the mirror and then follows Donnie.
Cut to everyone sitting in their respective seats as the valedictorian talks.
Donnie- [leans in and whispers] can’t believe it’s over…
Georgia- I can’t believe how uncomfortable I am
Donnie- why? [pause] are you naked under that robe? Ha.
Georgia- (giving a slightly disappointing look) in your dreams
Donnie- [staring at Georgia] Georgia…
Georgia- [turning to look at him] what?
Donnie- write me from California, okay?
Georgia- [ pause] ok. – I’ll write you.
As they hug the graduation of their class is announced and everyone jumps up and down. Song playing “Pride [In the name of love] By U2”. Everything going in slow motion. Shot of Donnie and Georgia hugging and smiling. Shot of Lincoln clapping and watching everyone around him interact. His best friend Carl grabs his shoulders and he looks back smiling. But then he gets his first glimpse at Georgia from a far. Cut to shot of Georgia from a far. Cut to outside the stadium where everyone is taking pictures and hanging out. A flash.
Georgia and Donnie are taking pictures with Donnies parents.
Donnie- dad!
Donnies father- Sorry son. This camera…
Donnie- ahh dad. Let me help you…
Cut to shot of Lincoln watching Georgia from a far.
Carl grabs his shoulders again.
Carl- wake up man. [pauses while Carl looks in the same direction Lincoln was just looking in] what are you looking at?
Lincoln- nothing man
Carl- oh [pause] oh I get it. You’re looking at…um…what’s her name? [pause while he thinks] Georgia?
Lincoln- I don’t know what you’re talking about
Carl- that’s just like you to wait till the last day
Lincoln- I didn’t wait till the last day. For what? What are you talking about?
Carl- she’s…
Lincoln- she’s?
Carl- I don’t know. She’s just different.
Lincoln- and you don’t like different
Carl- you don’t know different.
Lincoln- Different?
Carl- Special
Lincoln- Different or special?
Carl- Different. Special. Something. Weird. [pause] I don’t know
Lincoln- all that. huh?
Carl- hey[pause] she’s trouble. You don’t know her man
Lincoln- you don’t know her either. [pause] but I want to know her
Carl- what for?
Lincolns Father- Lincoln!
Lincoln- c’mon my parents are ready.
Lincoln gets up and goes out of frame, Carl lingers and then follows.
Scene 3
Opens with Georgia sitting at a table in the mall food court waiting. Drinking a glass of water. She turns the glass a couple times. Then takes a sip. Another sip. Then she begins to gulp it down. Donnie comes into frame from behind her and hit her on the back. She chokes a little
Georgia- Donnie! [pauses, and he sits across from her] you almost killed me..
Donnie- wasn’t my intention…okay listen up.
Georgia- Ya. So what is so important that you made me come here. To this consumerist black hole
Donnie- this isn’t the…whatever
Georgia- [sipping from the water again] whatever, what do you have to tell me?
Donnie- Alright. You ready for this? [pause. Georgia nods her head] I met a girl.
Georgia- a what?
Donnie- Adrianne.
Georgia- dark one…
Donnie- what?
Georgia- it means “dark one”, its Latin origin, is she Latin? Well what am I saying? No one is really latin, they could be from latin America maybe, but not latin, ya know?
Donnie- No. shes white. Average. Nothing special, and above all not exotic.
Georgia- so what are you doing with her?
Donnie- I don’t know. Nothing I guess.
Georgia- nothing?
Donnie- well I don’t actually know her, but from a far…..
Georgia- so if the world was ending. And everyone could make one phone call to someone they truly love. She wouldn’t call you, would she?
Donnie- Maybe…
Georgia- that’s tragic. You’re tragic.
Donnie- If I am so tragic why do you hang with me?
Georgia- because I cant afford not to. Because tragedy needs company and my misery is the perfect companion.
Donnie- I need a coke[pauses looking around and then standing up] you want?
Georgia- you know I don’t drink soda. It stunts my growth.
Donnie leaves the frame and we focus on Georgia sipping her water for a moment. Then Donnie comes back into frame and sits in the exact same spot.
Donnie- okay. That phone call thing. How. How can I be her one phone call?
Georgia- I don’t even know this girl. I don’t love. I don’t know what it means to be someones one phone call. I hate the phone. You would have been better off not telling me this
Donnie- why?
Georgia- because I will crush you. because its unbelievable to me that anyone could love anyone else, for real. [pause while she sips her water] not without killing each other anyway.
Donnie- is this about your mom?
Georgia- this is about you, and one phone call.
Donnie- she wrote you again
Georgia- sure
Donnie- is this about Lincoln?
Georgia- Lincoln who?
Donnie- Cole. Lincoln Cole.
Georgia- [crossing her arms] there is nothing. Me and Lincoln cole. There is no me and Lincoln. I don’t even know him. He seems like a fable. Something you made up. No, I don’t know Lincoln cole.
Donnie- What’s the big deal?
Georgia- Donnie. I don’t know him. He doesn’t know me. I mean, why would he want to?
Scene 4
Opens with Lincoln lying on his couch reading a book.
Kristen- are you going to read that book all day?
Lincoln moves the book from in front of his face to see his sister standing over him.
Lincoln- hello Kristen
Kristen- I missed your graduation. I know.
Lincoln- it’s alright.
Kristen- [biting into an apple] business was crazy.
Lincoln- I hear NY is like that
Kristen- you have no idea. [Pause] so how was it?
Lincoln- I graduated Kristen.
Kristen- Okay. Just wondered if anything exciting happened?
Lincoln- what? You mean like someone dying, or what?
[Kristen stops chewing on her apple and pauses.]
No nothing like that kris. [she begins to chew again]
Kristen- Well I’m glad it went well [pause as she watches him pour a glass of water] I can see you are your normal sarcastic self
Lincoln- Sarcastic?
Kristen- little brother [putting down the apple and motioning Lincoln to the window] I got you a something. Just look outside.
Lincoln- That’s a car. [pauses, turns around and looks at Kristen] that’s a car!
Kristen- yup. [Pause] well don’t just stand here.
Lincoln- I don’t have anywhere to go.
Kristen- what about the girl or boy?
Lincoln- [walking over to the couch to sit down] I can attract neither boy or girl. There is no one. No girl
Kristen- there has to be a girl.
Lincoln- what, you don’t think I’m gay?
Kristen- Well you could be. [pause] are you?
Lincoln- if I were to be so lucky.
Kristen- trust me, men are no easier to read then woman.
Lincoln- I’ve never brought a girl home. EVER. I mean [pause] you don’t think that’s odd?
Kristen- I just figured you didn’t fall in love. [Sitting next to him] it was about love for me not gender.
Lincoln- Dad told me he suspected something.
Kristen- Dad still thinks women should go from the marriage bed to the childbirth bed to the deathbed [pause] his thinking is limited. One of the many reasons he and I can’t have a discussion without it erupting into a fight. Honestly, I don’t know how mom stays married to him. All these years. It’s incomprehensible. He’s just going to push you away, his only child.
Lincoln- Only child?
Kristen- Dad doesn’t even acknowledge me. You’re his son, his golden child. It’s okay, I’d rather be the villain in the family. It’s much more fun. [Pause] So dad thinks you’re gay?
Lincoln- of course he does. As if I haven’t lived up to enough of his standards. I’m going to the best school. I spent my entire school career with books instead of friends. There is nothing left I can do for him. I’ve done everything I can. Except for the one thing I was supposed to do…
Kristen- Bring home a girl?
Lincoln- Any girl. A beautiful girl, who wears skirts and speaks only when I tell her too. [pause] but I don’t want that Kris. I know exactly who I want and how I want it.
Kristen- who is this girl? [pause] Seriously.
Lincoln- I’m going to read in my room. [pause] you home for a while?
Kristen- I have to go back on Thursday. But before I go, you have to promise me a ride in that car
Lincoln- it’s a promise.
Kristen- [as Lincoln leaves the room] who reads on a Saturday night? You can’t be that smart little bro [the door slams to his room]
Cut to Lincoln in his room. The Typical guy room. Boring. But lots of posters of favorite bands and movies. But of course some science ones as well. There is one window and next to that a night table. On the night table is a lamp with a wooden base. This light can only be turned on by pulling the chain that hangs from underneath the cover. Lincoln turns on the light a falls onto his bed. He sits for a minute trying to read. Then he knocks on the wall. Kristen appears in the doorways a few minutes later.
Lincoln- [to Kristen as she stands in the doorway] are mom and dad out for the night?
Kristen- ya. They said something about a party. You know mom and dad they are the social talk of the town. [pause] why?
Lincoln- I’m going out. [swings legs over the side of the bed and puts on shoes, then runs past Kristen]
Kristen- ya, see you later. [Kristen stands in the doorway waiting for Lincoln to come back. Suddenly you hear the door slam, footsteps towards Kristen. Lincoln appears in the doorway again] the keys are in my purse.
Lincoln- thank you [exits]