There are civilizations that are considered to be the oldest form. 8,000 years old. So then we can conclude that political and judicial hierarchies have been in establishment for that long.
The 2001 feature film Donnie Darko showcases a scene where Donnie and Miss Pomeroy have an exchange where the discuss the rubric for declaring humanity and therefore being “cared” about.
Karen Pommeroy: This could be the death of an entire way of life, the end of an era...
Donnie: Why should we care?
Karen Pommeroy: Because the rabbits are us, Donnie.
Donnie: Why should I mourn for a rabbit like he was human?
Karen Pommeroy: Are you saying that the death of one species is less tragic than another?
Donnie: Of course. The rabbit's not like us. It has no... keen look at something in the mirror, it has no history books, no photographs, no knowledge of sorrow or regret... I mean, I'm sorry, Miss Pommeroy, don't get me wrong; y'know, I like rabbits and all. They're cute and they're horny. And if you're cute and you're horny, then you're probably happy, in that you don't know who you are and why you're even alive. And you just wanna' have sex, as many times as possible, before you die... I mean, I just don't see the point in crying over a dead rabbit! Y'know, who... who never even feared death to begin with.
Donnie questions why he should mourn for the rabbits since they’re not human. This illuminates the emotional gap between two “species” of people that have a history of one claiming humanity over the other. Since humans understand that they are special. They are human. Humans see themselves as being emotionally, intellectually, physically, psychological, and socially advanced over rabbits ( any species that has not contributed of the evolvement of the culture), and this according to Donnie makes your death less tragic. In order to see tragedy in someone’s life or death you must care, you must pity them, and therefore can only truly care about someone else you see as human.
Conclusion: Therefore Donnie is illustrating a contemporary American report on the racial climate. It is reiterating the main point : (Note: Check on origin of the slave trade in America) American slave trade begins in late 1600’s Meaning that since our, meaning American civilization, was started until 1492 White Skinned Americans have over 5992 years of “history books, photographs, and the knowledge of sorrow and regret,” making them authentically human. Therefore white skinned people have, in this country, an estimated 5992 years of well documented history over the African American. This is contextualized in an era when we still are seeing our first black leader - - the face of america. Black Americans are such a new development of species that we are still in an era where were are still at the beginning of our civilization. Because we as a representation of people have NOT been involved in creating the judicial, social, and historically background of the very country we know as home. Political leaders are an extension of royal families. The head, president, being a lingering descendant of an emperor. How? Because an emperor is the face if a country, of a civilization. White people have been the “emperors” since the beginning of civilization to now. Therefore white people have an established history and accurate representation of their evolution. Therefore if the only way to care for someone is to find them human, and to be human you must have histories/representation, black American people will never be human to American whites.
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