I'm ready to move away.
Atlanta? California? New york? or New jersey? Coincidentally all places where they have taped the real housewives. oh ava, obsessed fan much? And i really am a fan. Im mostly a fan of ATL and New york. ATL is amazing because it showcases something that white america deliberatly tried to aviod - - wealth black men and women. welathy, not rich! Allen iverson is rich, the man who signs his paycheck is wealthy. see what im saying? There is nothing more refreshing then knowing that black americans can employ wealth, and keep in the family as white settlers have done for yrs. Hence there is an extreme divide between money in white communities and money in black communities. The bottom line is white people had a 400 yr start on acrewing wealth.
I'm headed to cambridge tonight with cathy, becca, and miranda to see meagan! so exciting. I love car rides and road trips. I made a really good mix playlist of everything i like. I trust myself with music. My taste is pheonmenal - - in all things media. I'm lucky that way.
Ugh. soo hot. summer came too late. & in just a few days i will be learning chinese. dig that.