So last night/this morning i discovered who the spy is that has been feeding the monster lately. I suspect that without this spy i would have been ok these past months. Instead, because of ego and wanting to prove oneself this person spied on me for info. Now i wonder, was any of this "spying" embellished by the time it got to jim jones and co. OR was it just blown out of proportion? Or, finally, was my right to privacy violated for the sake of someone elses ego? DING! We have a winner, the thought that someone has been all along violating the privacy i THOUGHT i had with my own bestfriend is irritating. Also what i say to my friends is not jim jones business or his crew, so why the interest? When you look for the negative in people you will find it, when you look for mistakes they will be there. Some would call it coincidence, i call it setting someone up. Yup, thats right, spying on someone through a space where they assume they are safe to process emotions is the most disrespectful thing i have ever experienced, and thats saying a lot given the past 2 yrs.
WHAT ARE MY FUCKING RIGHTS? As a woman, as a black woman, a woman of size, as a woman in pain? This situation make me see that i have very few in this community, with these certain people and i hope the spying stops now...or ill make it stop.
but hey jim jones says jump, they drink the kool aid.