TEN random things about me:
10. today is my birthday & my bestfriend made me a cake in the shape of a fall out boy album.
9. my rage factor goes from 0-100 in seconds…really.
8. i often get carded at the movies and for liquor more than anyone else, cause i look like im 14.
7. i am addicted to the history channel.
6. i think about revenge 100 times a day. plotting it. acting on it. and eventually getting it
5. i never wear make-up.
4. in the summertime i dance into my clothes each morning.
3. i hate beyonce, shes a race traitor, do not mention her name to me, EVER.
2. i am obsessed with dallas. i can quote it, deconstruct it, complicate it, and expand on it. it’s deeeeep.
1. i plan of living the beautiful, dirty, rich life one day with my friends and partner at my side.
NINE ways to win my heart:
9. rocking out to guitars on a long car ride.
8. a nice necklace, on a nice neck.
7. accept that mandy moore is my idol.
6. accept that fall out boy are my religous leaders.
5. dance with me.
4. buy me wine every single day of my life.
3. kisss me, slowly, deeply, and long everyday.
2. you best be funny.
1. being a politically radical progressive machine, i dig opinion based personalities.
EIGHT things I wanna do before I die:
8. get my dvd collection into the 10,000’s.
7. kiss under a waterfall.
6. write a book about the feminist regime at UNH.
5. Meet the entire cast of dallas (still living)
4. move onto southfork.
3. dance and move with confidence in my body.
2. become the person i know im supposed to be.
1. exorcise negativity out of my life, completely.
Seven things that annoy me:
7. thoes who think they know everything there is to know - get fucked.
6. race, queer, sex, and underprvilieged traitors.
5. when people put my dvd’s in the wrong cases or leave them sitting out. AHHH.
4. friends who turn out to be traitos - not interested.
3. hypocrites who can’t admit it..
2. dirt and disorganization - OCD.
1. when white feminists appropriate black culture & even go so far as to say they’re ‘black on the inside’ - check yourself.
Six things i believe in:
6. that marriage is a heterosexist institution that has historical roots of treating women as property
5. that radically progressive ideas are the truth.
4. paganism.
3. anything that upsets the heterosexual, white, upper class, privileged, christain, model of society.
2. Oj not going to jail.
1. i am a paraiah.
Five things im afraid of:
5. car crashes.
4. dissapointing people.
3. not getting to my full artistic potential
2. falling down and having my teeth puncture through my lips.
1. that the levels of opression we’re currently living under will escolate in an attempt to exterminate me and the ones i love. this is fact. this is a real fear when you’re a black, queer, lower class, woman living in NH.
FOUR of my favorite items in my room:
4. holy water recepticle.
3. shelly
2. magazines
1. portrait of diane court and lloyd dobler on my mirror - they remind me love is alive.
THREE things i do everyday
3. kisssss my lover.
2. recite lady gaga lyrics.
1. make dallas jokes, refernces, deconstructions, etc via text with john.
TWO people i want to see right now.
2. john.
1. my father.
One thing i wanna do right now.
1. get well.